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    Nick commented,

    Where do I check server console?

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    Nick commented,

    Hi Ravi,I'm facing the same issue. The red lines in Chrome's Console read as "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) :3000/api/files/:1

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    Nick commented,

    To get the terminal via keyboard, we can first hit ctrl+N to get the settings menu and then ctrl+alt+t to get the terminal.  

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    Nick commented,

    Thanks Ravi. I found out and resolved it Instead of just curl, I should have used the full path of curl which is /usr/sbin/curl followed by the rest of the command

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    Nick commented,

    I have also set player to not boot up until network interface is up. Any way where I can see logs of failed attempt of rc.local?

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    Nick created a post,

    Auto login to captive portal

    Hi Ravi, This is not a piSignage query, but overall a linux query related to run piSignage successfully, so can you see if you can help? I have a screen wherein the player has to login to a captive...

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    Nick commented,

    Thanks a lot Ravi.   I'm glad that your answer for 1) above worked correctly and I also understood about 4), tried and tested, so thanks a lot. Please do come back with solution for 2) (Live stream...

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    Nick commented,

    Dear Ravi,   Waiting for your answers on these questions

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    Nick created a post,

    Troubleshooting and questions

      Is there a way to schedule playlists only at a particular timeslot everyday? I've tried the calendar icon setting within "You can select additional Playlists for Scheduling/Advt purposes" but it...