Troubleshooting and questions



  • Official comment
    Ravi Bail Bhat

    1. In the calendar icon, if you select the time duration (last section) it should behave that way. Remember the priority of playlists is from top to bottom and unless you select the "play all scheduled content" only first will be played

    2. Let us check those links and come back

    3. Yes, it will not download the content (only checks all files) unless the content is changed

    4. Use the x and y locations under group settings and upload the exact size logo

    5. If you do not specify anything, it will show the default Asset menu. Otherwise it will show the page you specify.

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    Dear Ravi,


    Waiting for your answers on these questions

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    Thanks a lot Ravi.


    I'm glad that your answer for 1) above worked correctly and I also understood about 4), tried and tested, so thanks a lot.

    Please do come back with solution for 2) (Live streaming)

    For 3) I observed that once we unassign the playlist and reassign it in a different order, it will download all again. Fine for images, but for videos it take some time to download. Okay though.

    Point no 5) I'm yet to try some kiosk menu.


    I will keep having a few questions, so when is the best time to post here to have the quickest reply?


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    Ravi Bail Bhat

    Best way is to get quick answer is, although we will look hear also quite often.


    For 3) we use wget with --timestamping option as explained here ""


    For 2) we tried and were able to play the YouTube, best way is to look at player log forever_out.log to see the reason why it is not playing (sometimes it may be too many requests as we do not cache the video). For rtsp, please use "Video Streaming" option.



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