Configure PiSignage Android 2.0 to connect to your WhileLabel Server or Open-source server
Android TV
Use the Directional PAD (D_PAD) on your Android TV remote to navigate your application
- After Launching your player, Click on the D_PAD Center button to view the Settings Gear icon in the Top Right Corner.
- Now Click the D_PAD Center button again to go to your player settings page.
- Use D_PAD Down to highlight the Pencil icon against the Server Name input field and click on it to make your server field editable.
- Use the D_PAD navigations to highlight the Server Name field and click on it once highlighted to change your server.
- Use the On-Screen Keyboard to enter your Open-Source IP address or WhiteLabel server domain name.
- Next Click on the Green Check Button to save your changes.
- Click the Back Button on your remote to exit the settings page.
- You can also Click on the Exit button (in the Top Right corner) to exit the settings page.
Here is a small video that can help you.
Note: If you exit the settings page without clicking on the Green Tick button next to the input field, your changes will not be saved.
Android Mobile
Navigation on Android Mobile/Tablet is controlled using touch.
- After Launching your player, tap anywhere on the screen to view the Settings Gear icon in the Top Right Corner.
- Now tap the Settings gear icon again to go to your player settings page.
- Tap the Pencil icon next to the Server Name field to be able to modify the server.
- You can now change the server using the On-Screen Keyboard by tapping the input field.
- Next tap on the Green Check icon to save your server changes.
- Click the Back Button on your navigation bar to exit the settings page.
- You can also tap on the Exit button (in the Top Right corner) to exit the settings page.
Here is a small video that can help you.
Note: If you exit the settings page without clicking on the Green Tick button next to the input field, your changes will not be saved.
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